Proposed Lot 2 of 1 Merivale Way, Greenwood WA 6024


With a big 13.2m street frontage and just 5 doors down to Greenwood Primary School, you can snap up this awesome block and build your dream home! Make your offer NOW to secure ethis block whilst the seller clears and gets the block ready for titles. Upon settlement you’ll have a beautifully located block thats flat, cleared and ready to build on!

Purchase now and while the subdivision is going through the seller offers to let you submit your plans before settlement. Hopefully allowing the lucky buyer to start building right away once the title is yours.

Some fantastic features include:

– 327m2 street front
– Minimal site works and hence less costs to build
– Deep sewer connection
– Underground power
– 315m to Greenwood Village
– 500m to the Greenwood Hotel
– 250m to Penistone Park

For more information on the wonderful block, PUT BURKE TO WORK and call Harley Burke on 0402 456 209 today.

Property Features
  • Land is 327 m²

For Sale

Sold $357,500


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